Human Arabic translation versus Google translation

Arabic Translation Services - Human translators versus Google Translate

Google Translate is one of the most advanced pieces of technology that is used by thousands, if not millions, around the world to translate a text from Arabic to English or vice versa. 

Google Translate is quick and easy to use; however, the question that every user should ask themselves is: how accurate, or how reliable, is Google Translate in translating from Arabic into English or English into Arabic? 

In translating a text from Arabic into English or the other way round, accuracy and reliability are two principal factors. If the Arabic or English translation lacks accuracy and lacks reliability, the chances are that such translation will cause more harm than good. 

Google Translate is, at the end of the day, only a machine-based translation tool, not a human Arabic English translator. Google Translate converts the input through an electronic process that renders an output that can sometimes be completely different in terms of meaning. 

The essential problem is that Google Translate does not have a human brain in order to know the variations and shades of meaning of specific words and terms in the original Arabic or English. 

Words with different meanings 

لقد كان سافر 

The Arabic phrases above describes a behaviour that is “blatant” or “barefaced” using the word "Safir"

However, if you put this in Google Translate, the English translation will be: I have been travelling!!!! Completely different meaning.

To explain, Google Translate on this occasion did not understand the different meanings of the word "Safir" in Arabic, or basically was unable to establish the right meaning for the right context. 

قد ادى الي الفناء 

This is another Arabic phrase where Google Translate did not get it right. 

The word "Al-Fanaa" in Arabic has different meanings, one of which is perishing or ending. But Google Translate did not understand that this is the intended meaning and translated it as “patio” in English.  Instead of translating it as "It led to perishing", Google Translate rendered it as: "It led to the patio."

Human Arabic translator  

There are various situations and instances like these in which Google Translate does not render the Arabic text into correct English and the other way round. 

Google Translate can be useful in giving a general idea about the text and also it renders names of organisations, locations, etc, in a useful way. 

However, what if you - as an individual, company, or business - and want a professional Arabic translation service to have a text that is accurately and faithfully translated into the target language? 

In this case, the best and safest way would be a human Arabic translator who would be able to provide professional Arabic translation services.

A human Arabic translator will be able to understand each word’s meaning in the context it is mentioned in and will be able to deliver a translated text that is faithful to the original, accurate and reliable. 

For the Arabic translation services to be delivered professionally, the soul and heart of the original text must be clearly understood, and the only way to safely achieve this is through a professional Arabic translator.  

Need any help with outstanding Arabic translation services? Get in touch with us. At Loghat Translation, we provide a professional Arabic translation of exceptionally high quality.